
How to install components.


  1. Ensure you have your project initialized with your chosen framework as well as TailwindCSS.

  2. Follow the steps under the init command in the VScode Extension section.

Manual Installation

  1. Dependencies

    npm i react-aria-components tailwind-variants tailwindcss-animate lucide-react 
  2. Tailwind Preset

    Create a file in the root of your project called tailwindPreset.js Copy the contents below into the file.

      module.exports = {
        theme: {
           extend: {
          colors: {
            surface: {
              DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--surface))",
              2: "rgb(var(--surface-2))",
              3: "rgb(var(--surface-3))",
              4: "rgb(var(--surface-4))",
            fg: {
              DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--fg))",
              2: "rgb(var(--fg-2))",
              3: "rgb(var(--fg-3))",
              4: "rgb(var(--fg-4))",
              5: "rgb(var(--fg-5))",
              6: "rgb(var(--fg-6))",
            border: "rgb(var(--border))",
            input: "rgb(var(--input))",
            focus: "rgb(var(--focus))",
            primary: {
              DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--primary))",
              fg: "rgb(var(--primary-fg))",
            secondary: {
              DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--secondary))",
              fg: "rgb(var(--secondary-fg))",
            positive: {
              DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--positive))",
              fg: "rgb(var(--positive-fg))",
            warning: {
              DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--warning))",
              fg: "rgb(var(--warning-fg))",
            critical: {
              DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--critical))",
              fg: "rgb(var(--critical-fg))",
          keyframes: {
            zoom: {
              from: { transform: "scale(0.8)" },
              to: { transform: "scale(1)" },
            fade: {
              from: { opacity: 0 },
              to: { opacity: 1 },
      plugins: [require("tailwindcss-animate")],
  3. tailwind.config

    Add the preset to your tailwind config.

    module.exports = {
      presets: [
       // ...

    *If you are using next.js with the App dir, you will likely need to add ./components/**/*.{ts,tsx} to your tailwind content array.

  4. global.css

      @tailwind base;
      @tailwind components;
      @tailwind utilities;
      @layer base {
        :root {
          --origin: translateX(8px);
          --surface: 250 250 250; /* #fafafa */
          --surface-2: 229 229 229; /* #e5e5e5 */
          --surface-3: 212 212 212; /* 	#d4d4d4 */
          --surface-4: 163 163 163; /* 	#a3a3a3 */
          --border: 229 229 229; /* #e5e5e5 */
          --input: 229 229 229; /* #e5e5e5 */
          --focus: 14 165 233; /* #0ea5e9 */
          /* fg hierarchy */
          --fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --fg-2: 23 23 23; /* #171717 */
          --fg-3: 38 38 38; /* #262626 */
          --fg-4: 64 64 64; /* #404040 */
          --fg-5: 82 82 91; /* #52525b */
          --fg-6: 115 115 115; /* #737373 */
          --primary: 9 229 123; /* #09e57b  */
          --primary-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --secondary: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a*/
          --secondary-fg: 255 255 255; /* #fafafa  */
          --positive: 109 211 46; /* #6DD32E */
          --positive-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --warning: 237 227 40; /* #EDE328 */
          --warning-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --critical: 255 82 56; /* #FF5238 */
          --critical-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
        [data-theme="dark"] {
          --surface: 10 10 10; /* 	#0f172a */
          --surface-2: 30 41 59; /* #1e293b */
          --surface-3: 51 65 85; /* 	#334155 */
          --surface-4: 71 85 105; /* 	#475569 */
          --border: 30 41 59; /* #1e293b  */
          --input: 30 41 59; /* #1e293b  */
          --focus: 14 165 233; /* #0ea5e9 */
          /* fg hierarchy */
          --fg: 248 250 252; /*  #f8fafc*/
          --fg-2: 241 245 249; /* #f1f5f9*/
          --fg-3: 226 232 240; /* #e2e8f0 */
          --fg-4: 203 213 225; /* #cbd5e1 */
          --fg-5: 148 163 184; /* #94a3b8 */
          --fg-6: 100 116 139; /* #64748b */
          --primary: 9 229 123; /* #09e57b   */
          --primary-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --secondary: 250 250 250; /* #fafafa */
          --secondary-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --positive: 109 211 46; /* #6DD32E */
          --positive-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --warning: 237 227 40; /* #EDE328 */
          --warning-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
          --critical: 255 82 56; /* #FF5238 */
          --critical-fg: 10 10 10; /* #0a0a0a */
        /* clears the ‘X’ from Internet Explorer */
        input[type="search"]::-ms-clear {
          display: none;
          width: 0;
          height: 0;
        input[type="search"]::-ms-reveal {
          display: none;
          width: 0;
          height: 0;
        /* clears the ‘X’ from Chrome */
        input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-decoration {
          display: none;
      .react-aria-DropIndicator[data-drop-target] {
        outline: 1px solid #09e57b;

Optional Configurations

  1. Path Alias

    The default for all components is @/components/base.

      "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
          "@/*": ["./*"]
  2. TW IntelliSense

    If you are using VScode and would like to enable auto-complete/highlights (for Tailwind Variants), add the following to your settings.json.

      "tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
         ["tv\\(([^)]*)\\)", "[\"'`]([^\"'`]*).*?[\"'`]"]
  3. class sorting

    If you are using the Tailwind-Prettier sorting plugin, and would like this plugin to sort classes within Tailwind Variants, add the following to your module.exports inside your Prettier.config.

      tailwindFunctions: ["tv"],